Wednesday 1 December 2010

What Celebrities Says in November

This prolific entertainer is on a lot of people's minds these days, but not just for his holiday cheer or his critically acclaimed new album. Find out about his never-ending beefs with a politician and a pop star, and learn what other water-cooler topics had the rest of our tastemakers' tongues wagging this month.

Madonna took time out from her latest business ventures teen fashion and fitness to appear on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
She spoke out against a recent rash of anti-gay bullying.
"The concept that we are torturing teenagers because they're gay … It's unfathomable. It's like lynching black people or, you know, Hitler exterminating Jews. … Sorry if I sound like I'm going on a rampage right now, but this is America. The land of the free and the home of the brave ..."

Bill Clinton
Former President Clinton has been getting an earful from his daughter, Chelsea, who's trying to broaden his musical horizons.
"You know, my daughter introduced me to rap and hip-hop music after I said some things she thought were not very smart. She said, 'Dad, you need to listen, all these people are smart.'"

Kanye West
Apparently, the rapper-producer still has a lot to say about his widely publicized awards show run-in with pop star Taylor Swift.
"Taylor never came to my defense at any interview … And (she) rode the waves and rode it and rode it."

Barbara Bush
The former first lady has never seemed very outspoken. If anything, she might be pegged as bookish. But in an interview with Larry King, she shared her rather blunt thoughts on Sarah Palin.
"I sat next to her once. I thought she was beautiful. And she's very happy in Alaska. I hope she'll stay there."

Eva Longoria Parker
The petite prime-time actress announced that she and her NBA player husband are going their separate ways.
"It is with great sadness that after seven years together, Tony and I have decided to divorce. We love each other deeply and pray for each other's happiness."

Janet Jackson
When interviewed for a newsstand staple, the pop icon revisited haunting memories from her early TV acting career.
Reportedly, her maturing wasn't in the script.
"It immediately makes you think, 'The way I am isn't good enough.' That's the message that it sent to me: 'The way you look now isn't right ...' It would make me sad. It wouldn't make me mad. It would hurt."

George W. Bush
Rapper Kanye West lobbed a remark at former President Bush in 2005 that reportedly still sticks him.
"I faced a lot of criticism as president … But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all-time low."

Anne Hathaway
In an interview about her latest film, Hathaway turned diva-esque in an attempt to help her co-star, who was facing tricky questions about his possible new romance.
"I've been Jake's onscreen love interest for years ... You keep the conversation to me and only me, otherwise I'm going to get nasty!"

Warren Buffett
Billionaire CEO Buffett announced to the news media that he isn't afraid to dig deeper into his own coffers at tax time and thinks others who are wealthy should do the same.
"The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on."

Willow Smith
Riding the wave of her hit single, this daughter of a box office titan and a stylish star seems to be enjoying her new status. Though she's got a recording contract at the ripe old age of 10, she does have boundaries, she told this magazine.
"I can't do whatever I want … Mommy has to say it's OK."

George Clooney
When another actor was given the title of People's "Sexiest Man Alive," the magazine turned to one of the two-time title-holders for his reaction. He was a good sport.
"I'm very happy for him," he said. "I'm also happy that it's not Brad."

Hillary Clinton
Travelers across the country have been up in arms about new TSA protocols. The secretary of state admitted she would avoid them if she could, but she tried to remain diplomatic when discussing them on-air.
"Striking the right balance is what this is about. And I am absolutely confident that our security experts are gonna keep trying to get it better and less intrusive and more precise."

Sylvester Stallone
Apparently back in fighting form after an accident sustained while shooting his latest film, the tough guy actor tweeted some jabs at President Barack Obama on Election Day.
"I voted did you? Gotta get the Manchurian Candidate out of the drivers seat before were ALL soaring off a cliff into Oblivion ... Be smart."

Will Ferrell
For the second year in a row, funnyman Ferrell has topped this magazine's list of the Most Overpaid. His response to the news?
"Isn't that the whole point? Aren't we all striving to be overpaid?"
His place on the list was surely secured by his hit animated release and clearly not hampered by this setback.

Tim Lincecum
"A lot of orange and black … And hopefully, a lot of alcohol."
That was how the San Francisco Giants pitcher predicted fans would celebrate his team's big achievement, a historic one at that. But their reaction ended up being quite a bit different than he expected.

Courtney Love
It would seem the former rock frontwoman is seeking addiction advice from elsewhere in the rock world.
"I am the smoker and the curser, but I am trying to learn about taking care of myself … I have friends that are growing old and freaking out and I am, like, getting hotter."
Now, perhaps she'll seek legal and parenting advice, as well.

Nancy Pelosi
In an interview, the outgoing speaker of the House had some comments about her successor, particularly about his sensitive side.
"You know what? He is known to cry. He cries sometimes when we're having a debate on bills. If I cry, it's about the personal loss of a friend or something like that."

The veteran entertainer offered some words of wisdom to Christina Aguilera, her co-star in a recently released movie.
"You know, honey, husbands come and go, but I am still Cher at the end of the day."
The advice comes amid talk about Aguilera's marital woes and alleged dalliances.

Conan O'Brien
The lanky late-night comedian indicated that he hasn't quite buried the hatchet when he spoke to this magazine about one day having his frenemy as a guest.
"He can come as the musical guest, because that I want to see; no one knows he has an operatic range … No, there are certain things I will not do, regardless of the price."
Though O'Brien has settled into a new talk show home, he seems to still harbor feelings about a switcheroo at his old network.

The Situation
The attention-seeking reality TV star has more on his mind than his abdominals, according to a recent interview.
"Obviously it's a blessing -- the women and the money and the fame, but at the same time it's -- it's actually very lonely."

Roberto Baggio
When he accepted this esteemed award, the retired Italian soccer great addressed the Nobel Prize laureates gathered in Japan:
"I have lost three World Cups, all on penalties ... If you'll allow me this, it really gets on my nerves."
"Il Divin Codino" was honored for, among other efforts, his altruistic work in Haiti.

Lori Berenson

After spending years in a prison in Peru, the convicted U.S. activist ended her sentence this month, to the dismay of many in that country.
"I totally understand that people feel a strong rejection to someone who represents terrorism. The problem is, I may not be the person they paint me to be, and they'll never know that."